Year 9 Religious Studies
Religious Studies
Students undertake a course of study for a semester. The unit has a theme, focus question, a unit outline and associated learning goals.
Theme: Respect and Social Justice
Focus Question for the Unit: “What is respect and how can society promote justice?”
In this unit students explore and reflect on what it means to be human and how our gifts, such as the ability to love and to be creative, the use of our reason and free will, can be used for good or evil. Topics will include a study of conscience formation, the MSC ethos, and the application of Catholic Social Teaching in terms of serving the Common Good, seeking justice, and respecting human dignity.
Unit Learning Goals:
- Understand what it means to be ‘made in the image and likeness of God’
- Identify and articulate the concept of a well-formed conscience in making sound decisions
- Demonstrate appropriate use of principles of Catholic Social Teaching in dealing with issues of social justice
- Communicate effectively in both written and visual modes