Year 10 Religious Studies
Year 10 Religious Studies Students undertake the subject for a semester.
The unit has a theme, a focus question , an outline and associated learning goals.
Theme: Leadership for the Twentieth Century
Focus Question:”Who should lead and how should we follow?”
In this unit students explore leadership: its purpose, types and qualities as well as the impact of good and bad leadership. Topics include gender, cults, social justice, ethical decision making and the significance of social/historical context. Using Jesus as a model, students critique the leadership of historical and contemporary persons and reflect on their own leadership potential. Learning Goals:
- Understand key concepts: effective leadership, servant leadership, stewardship of the environment, rights and responsibilities
- Critically analyse issues and ethical problems related to the use and abuse of leadership
- Understand the significance to the modern world of the model of leadership offered by Jesus the Christ
- Conduct effective research with accurate citation and bibliography
- Communicate effectively in both written and visual modes