Year 9 Mathematics
Year 9 Maths
Year 9 continues to develop the mathematical concepts covered in Years 7 and 8 but at greater depth and sophistication. Big ideas in Year 9 include Pythagoras’ Theorem, trigonometry, a more comprehensive treatment of linear and non-linear relations, multi-stage probability problems, similarity, simple interest, index laws and scientific notation. Students enhance their knowledge and skills in the use of spreadsheets by completing the ICT 4U program.
Student Activities
Inclusive Education Mathematics: Inclusive Education Teacher-Assistants are available to help students in most need.
Challenge Mathematics: Students in Years 7 – 10 are encouraged to enter the Mathematics Challenge Program conducted through the Australian Mathematics Trust. Many students also participate in a variety of competitions such as the Australian Mathematics Competition and the UNSW Mathematics Competition.
Mathematics Tutorials: Students requiring help with any aspect of their courses are encouraged to attend Mathematics Tutorials conducted during the lunch period on alternate days of the week.
Further Information