Year 7 Mathematics
The Year 7 course in Mathematics is designed to strike an appropriate balance between increasing students’ level of proficiency in core mathematical areas and introducing them to new topics such as algebra and co-ordinate geometry. Extension is offered in the classroom on a daily basis and also through the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians run by the Australian Mathematics Trust. Help is available from the Inclusive Education Team for students who need extra assistance.
Student activities
Inclusive Education Mathematics: Inclusive Education Teacher-Assistants are available to help students in most need.
Challenge Mathematics: Students in Years 7 – 10 are encouraged to enter the Mathematics Challenge Program conducted through the Australian Mathematics Trust. Many students also participate in a variety of competitions such as the Australian Mathematics Competition and the UNSW Mathematics Competition.
Mathematics Tutorials: Students requiring help with any aspect of their courses are encouraged to attend Mathematics Tutorials conducted during the lunch period on alternate days of the week.
Mathematics Enrichment: Year 7 students are invited to enrichment sessions usually held once or twice per term.
Further information