Year 7 English
A unit of English is completed each semester and follows the Australian Curriculum: English. Students study a range of topics in order to develop their skills in Language, Literature and Literacy. In all classes teachers use strategies that encourage students to achieve their learning goals. Strong student participation, self-regulation and student-centred learning characterise the teaching and learning of English courses. Progress is carefully monitored and students are extended and supported according to their needs.
English units are sequential and each builds on previously acquired skills. The modes of speaking, listening, reading, viewing and writing are the focus for skills development and common assessment tasks are conducted as a means of reporting on a student’s progress in relation to the year cohort.
Some of the skills students are expected to acquire include imagining, identifying, clarifying and organising thought and feeling using text as a basis. In particular, students explore the structure of common text types and use scaffolds and models to help write their own texts. Learning about vocabulary, language structures and the use of language for different purposes will develop students’ knowledge about the functions of language.