Constitution for the Parents & Friends Association of Daramalan College

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The organisation shall be known as the “Daramalan College Parents’ and Friends’ Association”.

The objectives of the Association shall be:
a. To support the aims and objectives of the College.
b. To raise funds for the provision of facilities as agreed to by the Committee and the Association.
c. To foster a spirit of co-operation and friendship among parents of the college through social, cultural and other activities.
d. To provide a forum for the open discussion among parents and staff on education policy, school aims and proposed cultural and educational developments.
e. To initiate projects or co-operate with other organisations in projects which will be of benefit to the College or its students.
f. To operate a canteen service and a uniform shop for the benefit of the College.

a. The parents/guardians of every pupil enrolled in the College shall be deemed to be members of the Association. Other persons interested in promoting the aims of the Association are eligible for membership by registration with the Association Committee.
b. The Principal shall be an ex-officio member of the Association and its Committees.
c. The Association may confer life membership and maintain recognition of life membership already conferred.

From the membership the following positions will be filled annually, which will form the Association Committee:
a. The President
b. The Vice-President
c. The Secretary
d. The Treasurer
e. The APFACTs representative

a. The Association shall elect the members of the Committee at the Annual General Meeting.
b. Usually no two appointments within the Committee may be filled by members of the same household.
c. A member of the Committee may hold two elected positions concurrently.

The Committee shall be responsible to the Association for the efficient and effective execution of the Association’s business. Particular responsibilities of the Committee are as follows:
a. To account for all moneys received and expended in the name of the Association.
b. To form whatever sub-committees it deems necessary in order to execute the roles of the Association.
c. To execute decisions made by the Association either at a general or Committee meeting.
d. To refer any items it deems necessary to a general meeting of the Association for decision
e. To make regular reports (including financial) to general meetings on the operation of the Committee.

The Committee shall not have any special decision-making function or responsibility, except for any powers specifically delegated by the Association.

a. Sub-committees for specific purposes or functions may be appointed at any meeting. The Chairperson of any sub-committee shall always be a member of the Committee.
b. Sub-committees must operate within the framework of this Constitution and any other rules as determined from time to time by the Association. The composition and operating procedures of the sub-committees are to be approved by the Committee. Members of sub-committees may be appointed by the Chairperson from members of the Association as required. All sub-committees shall be responsible to the Committee.

a. All elected members of the Committee shall have a tenure of office from one general meeting to the following Annual General Meeting.
b. No member of the Committee shall hold the same Executive office on the Committee for more than a period of three consecutive years. All members shall be eligible for re-election to the Committee each year.

Vacancies in the Committee shall be filled at any of the general meetings of the Association.

The Committee may co-opt the assistance of any person with a particular expertise for advice on any subject for a period of time as stated by the Committee. A co-opted person has no voting power.

a. General Meetings – there is to be no less than four General Meetings per school year.
b. Special General Meetings – may be called by the Committee for the purpose of discussing a particular issue; or by a written request to the President, signed by at least ten members of the Association for the purpose of discussing items nominated in the request.
Note: Only the items nominated shall be discussed at the meeting in question. At least two weeks’ written notice of a Special General Meeting shall be given. Such notice shall set out the items to be discussed. A Special General Meeting shall be convened within twenty-eight days of its being called or receipt of the written notice requesting the meeting.
c. Committee Meetings may be called by the President or by a simple majority of Committee members by notification of the meeting to all Committee members through a college newsletter or other formal means, no later than two weeks before the date of the meeting.

A quorum of persons entitled to be present and vote shall be:
a. Committee Meeting – four
b. General Meeting – seven
c. Special General Meeting – ten
d. Annual General Meeting – seven

Resolutions at any meeting shall be passed by the consent of a simple majority of members present.

a. At all meetings of the Association, each member entitled to be present and vote may record one vote on each motion submitted.
b. The President shall always have an ordinary and also a discretionary casting vote.

The minutes of all General and Committee Meetings are to be maintained for seven (7) year. Minutes are to be available to members on request and submitted for confirmation at the next meeting.

a. President: The President shall be responsible to:
i. Preside at all Committee and General Meetings at which they are present
ii. Coordinate the duties of members of the Committee
iii. Ensure that sufficient members of the Committee are available to conduct association affairs efficiently and that during the absence of the Secretary or Treasurer, their duties are allotted to another member of the Committee.
iv. Ensure that all administrative and accounting procedures are properly maintained
v. Ensure that meetings are convened in accordance with this constitution
b. Vice President: The Vice President shall:
i. Deputise for the President during their absence
ii. Normally fulfil the duties of the Treasurer during any periods of absence
iii. Perform any other duties assigned to them by the Committee
c. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for:
i. Issuing of notices of all meetings
ii. Recording and keeping the Minutes of all meetings
iii. Preparing and despatching all outwards correspondence, unless otherwise directed by the President
iv. Receiving all inwards correspondence
v. Any other duties assigned by the Committee
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
i. General financial administration of the Association
ii. Proper keeping of all books of account and accounting documents in accordance with Committee policy
iii. Receipt, safe custody, banking and disbursement of all moneys relating to the Association
iv. Preparation of financial statements and arranging the annual auditing of those statements
v. Investment of Association funds in accordance with Committee approval
vi. Any other duties assigned by the Committee

The duties of sub-committee convenors shall be detailed by the Committee

a. The school canteen service and uniform shop will be operated by the Association in consultation with the college administration
b. Signatories to the canteen and uniform shop cheque account must be appointed by the incoming P&F Committee at each Annual General Meeting. For administrative convenience, the Committee may appoint signatories from within the administration of the college.

a. P&F Account
i. Accounting system. A single entry system of accounting is to be operated
ii. Books of account. The following books of account, as a minimum, are to be maintained by the Treasurer:
1. Bank deposit and cheque books
2. File of bank statements
3. File of Association financial statements

a. Before each meeting the College accountant will provide the Treasurer with a financial statement of the operations of the canteen and uniform shop for the preceding period. These will be provided to the meeting.
b. The Treasurer is to ensure that an audit is undertaken annually for the previous calendar year in sufficient time for the accounts to be presented to the Annual General Meeting. Additional reports are to be prepared as directed by the Committee.

An auditor is to be appointed annually by a General Meeting of the Association and is to conduct a minimum of an annual audit on all books of account at the close of the accounting period. The audit is to be concluded in time for presentation of accounts at the Annual General Meeting.

All funds of the Association shall be paid into a college bank account approved by the Committee.

Cheques must be signed jointly by any two of the following members of the Committee:
a. The President
b. The Secretary
c. The Treasurer
d. The Principal

a. Subject to the next sub-paragraph, expenditure is to be authorised in advance by the Association. Following authorisation, details of expenditure incurred shall be reported to the next General Meeting of the Association in the Treasurer’s report.
b. Prior approval by the Association of necessary expenditure of less than $200, or other amount set each year by the Annual General Meeting, on any one item is not essential, although such should be obtained if possible. Where prior approval is not possible because of the urgent nature of the expenditure, such expenditure may be incurred with the verbal approval by any two members of the Committee and is to be reported to the first General Meeting after the expenditure is approved.

The assets and income of the Association shall be applied solely in furtherance of the objectives described in paragraph 2 above, and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Association except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Association.

In the event of the Association being dissolved, the amount which remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, shall be paid to Daramalan College.

Amendments or changes to the Constitution may only be made on the vote of a simple majority at a General Meeting of the Association. Notice of proposed amendments must be given at the previous General Meeting and also in writing through a college newsletter at least one month prior to the General Meeting at which the proposed amendments are to be discussed.

As amended 30 October 2013.