Uniform & Appearance

All Daramalan students are required to wear the approved school uniform. Students are encouraged to take pride in their appearance and we ask parents to support us in our aim of upholding the dress code at the College.
We are very conscious of the costs involved to families in outfitting their children, so in an effort to minimise these costs, we have our own shop at the College for the direct sale of uniforms, both new and used, at generously discounted prices compared to retail outlets.
For Physical Education and sporting events, students are expected to provide themselves with appropriate footwear and sportswear including one of the school hats. The official school tracksuit is required for those on school sporting tours and is encouraged for all students in sporting teams and other activities. PE uniform is only to be worn during PE lessons. The PE uniform may be worn home after a Period 5 class.
Please ensure that all articles of clothing are clearly named with your child’s full name. The school operates a lost property service and makes every effort to re-unite students with the majority of their lost clothing but the School can not accept liability for loss of, or damage to, students personal property including sports clothing and equipment whilst it is on or left at any of the School’s premises.
Each student is expected to wear the correct uniform for the season. If, for a special reason, a student is not able to wear uniform for a day, an explanatory note should be brought from a parent/guardian and given to the student’s Pastoral Care Advisor/House Coordinator.
Details of the uniform requirements can be found in the Daramalan Uniform Brochure by clicking here.
Please note: With girls now having the option of wearing trousers as part of the uniform, sample sizes are available from the Uniform Shop.
High School Summer Uniform
High School Winter Uniform
College Summer Uniform
College Winter Uniform
It is hoped that all students will take pride in their appearance.
Female students may wear subtle makeup and jewellery. Students hair should be clean, tidy and of a natural colour. Male students are to be clean shaven.
All students will be allocated a locker where most books and bags should be stored.
Only those books needed for morning lessons, or for the afternoon, or for homework, should be carried around.
A Daramalan backpack is required for all students in Years 7 – 10 which can purchased from the Uniform Shop.
A plain black bag may be used by students in Years 11-12.